Forsaking My Love

I hate you

I wish to tear you away from me

This tumor that clings to my chest

The thing that makes me ache

That haunts my dreams

And tears at my desires

You have brought me only pain

My untamed heart

That beast that gnaws at my soul

That pitifully whines

Bringing my mind into unwanted pain

Yet how can I blame you

How can I chastise you when I listen intently to your pleas

Why should I punish you for what my eyes feed upon

How can I blame my eyes for falling upon her

She who brings light to the eternal darkness of my soul

She whose eyes bring me to subjection

Whose smile leaves me in awe

How can I blame you when my ears are met with her laughter

How they submerge into her song

How they quiver at her voice

Why should I punish you for inclining my soul

Tempting it with the one sense that has been forsaken by her

How could I look over the thought of the brushing of lips

The touching of hands

The binding of the soul, mind, and body

O you wretched heart

What am I to do with this constant companion

How could I tear you away

When she is the cause of my agony

Or rather

It is the lack of her which brings me sorrow

It is the need for her that leaves my heart in pain

Yet she is not mine

She was never mine

She will never be mine

O my poor heart

How can I make you see reason

When all you do is show me the truth

 Michael Silver


I can never get my mind off her,

I wonder if she'd mind if i'd,

make her my own,

and never let her go,

hug her tight,

treat her right,

act all polite,

take her on a date,

make sure i'm never late,

kiss her on her lips,

talk about our kids,

Make her feel like princess,

living in a castle,

hope that is not too much hassle,

But i am so blessed,

hope i can be the best,

hold you tight,

have your BR3A$t,

on my chest,

pass the test,


sorry for word spamming: (

love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love

Jordan Moore

Nobody Needs Know

Go easy, this was my first poem ever haha x

I’m in a crowd screaming,

Nobody hears me.

I’m in a crowd crying,

Nobody sights me.

I’m falling apart,

A pain in my heart,

Managing no more than to play a part.

The part of the happy girl,

Not a care in the world.

All smiles and laughs,

Neither of which in private I have.

I hide behind a wall,

Nobody needs know, nobody at all.

 by Megan Haste

Bound No’th Blues

Goin’ down the road, Lawd,

Goin’ down the road.

Down the road, Lawd,

Way,way down the road.

Got to find somebody

To help me carry this load.

Road’s in front o’ me,

Nothin’ to do but walk.

Road’s in front of me,

Walk…an’ walk…an’ walk.

I’d like to meet a good friend

To come along an’ talk.

Hates to be lonely,

Lawd, I hates to be sad.

Says I hates to be lonely,

Hates to be lonely an’ sad,

But ever friend you finds seems

Like they try to do you bad.

Road, road, road, O!

Road, road…road…road, road!

Road, road, road, O!

On the no’thern road.

These Mississippi towns ain’t

Fit fer a hoppin’ toad.

Langston Hughes


The rhythm in the words

Like singing birds

Poetry is the thing

Makes all the birds sing

Writing the feelings

Rhyming the things

Words for all

Words big and small

Poems about love and hatred

Poems that are sacred

Poems about depression and joy

Poems about a girl and a boy


Getting a message out

Know what it's all about

Poetry is the way

You can have anything to say

 by Ilsebeth Brand


Democracy will not come

Today, this year

Nor ever

Through compromise and fear.

I have as much right

As the other fellow has

To stand

On my two feet

And own the land.

I tire so of hearing people say,

Let things take their course.

Tomorrow is another day.

I do not need my freedom when I'm dead.

I cannot live on tomorrow's bread.


Is a strong seed


In a great need.

I live here, too.

I want freedom

Just as you.

Langston Hughes

The Soul

Does a gasp grab the first available one?

Floating there in front of the nostril!

Matters not whether a girl or a son

Lucky intervention or preordained will

Millennia of accidents lead to the formulation of the molecule

Able to re-create such a complex being

The beating begins long before the initial breath inhaled

Yet the essence of life is not ringing


Self serving actions brought with forethought

Developed only after years responding to reflex

Charges across the synaptic spaces so taut

That decisions are unrecognized and complex

From the already entwined DNA strands

Atoms tied together with packets of energy

To a being of lungs, feet, heart and hands

Ultimately defined by a birthing synergy

What do we call this intangible gasp?

Why do we need one for life?

And when no more over our lips it will pass

To float with the others at the end of our strife

Questioning if there is a soul?

Then surely this it must be

A whisper filling a molecular hole

Exhaled to rejoin the ethereal sea!

Put your trust and faith in me

What do you want from life he said

why are you not happy

I paused a while and then replied

as I wiped away tears flooding my eyes.

My kids have degrees, they should feel at ease,

be able to walk into jobs

I watch the news and sob 

men battling machines bought to their knees.

Stones against bullets and tanks

these men don't stand a chance

what do you do when you're sure

god has given up on you.

When you see no plan of action

God is a great distraction

he'll help you on your way

all you need is faith.

In unity we will be free

pray to me I'll set you free

believe in me I'll be your strength

put your trust and faith in me. 

I am the way said the Lord

I'll lead you to salvations door.

Hottest Dance Ever

The art of dance is a unique form of expression, employing a universal body language that everyone understands. From ballet to contemporary, from hip-hop to salsa, and from oriental to flamenco, dance is certainly enjoying something of a renaissance lately.
But when it comes to individual dancers, who has the best moves? The greatest poise, power, and poignancy?